Plastics and Elastomers
The word "plastic" comes from the Greek word "plastikos" which means "to mould." Plastics are a type of polymeric substance that can be moulded or formed, usually with the use of heat and pressure. Plasticity, which is frequently combined with other specific features like low density, low electrical conductivity, transparency, and toughness, allows plastics to be produced into a wide range of items.
Elastomers, also known as viscoelasticity polymers, are polymers that have both viscosity and elasticity. Elastomers are made up of molecules bound together by weak intermolecular interactions and have a low Young's modulus, high yield strength, and a high failure strain. They have the rare ability to revert to their former shape and size after being stretched to extremes.
v Chemical Resistance of Thermoplastics
v Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers
v Permeability Properties
v Raw materials for plastics & elastomer
v Testing of plastics and elastomers
v The Effect of different factors on Plastics and Elastomer